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100% Natural, Renewable, 100% Biodegradable

Bamboo packaging helps reduce environmental impacts and promote a healthier planet.  Bamboo is the fastest growing woody plant in the world.  It can grow up to 24" (nearly 61 cm) a day.  It can be harvesting just three to seven years - much faster than hardwood. s.  This makes bamboo highly renewable and a great alternative to foams, corrugated and molded paper pulp.

Like steel, bamboo can withstand lots of stress while being stretched or pulled, which is why it's used for boats, construction scaffolding and other items that require strength and flexibility.  

Bamboo helps promote healthy soil.  The plant's deep root systems protect against soil erosion.  When harvested correctly, bamboo doesn't require replanting afterward.  

After bamboo is harvested it is mechanically pulped at a nearby facility.  During this process, 70 percent of the water is reclaimed and used in the process (the other 30 percent is lost to vaporization).  Nothing is poured out and no toxic chemicals are used.  If it is sunny, the pulp is dried by the sun, reducing electricity use.

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