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7 Steps to Solving Packaging Problems . .

Where do you start when your company identifies a problem with your product packaging? Some of this depends on the size of your organization. Let's assume that you are a small company and this task has fallen to you. Where to begin?

1. Identify and define the problem in as much detail as you can.

2. Attach a value, either monetary, image, quality, etc.

3. Contact the manufacturer who supplies the packaging item.

4. Share your identified problem, the impact to your organization, and your expectations for resolution including a time frame.

5. Determine your short term change in packaging (if this is possible) until this issue is resolved.

6. Track your identified issues and regularly review where each problem stands in the resolution process.

7. This Problem-Resolution Process will provide you tracking by Manufacturer for you to utilize in evaluating them as a supplier.

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