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Think Sustainability Before You Design . . .

When it comes to sustainable packaging we often see the packaging design and then think about how to use sustainable products. As new sustainable substrates become available we would like to champion the idea of first finding the substrate you want to you before you start designing.

Now you may ask why you would want to do that. Often times a package can be designed only to find out that it is too cost prohibitive for the product it is created to protect and promote. There are also a great deal of differences between putting something in a bio-plastic, corrugated, folding carton, or some other medium. The type of graphics and printing that you can do, how you will position the product in the packaging, how the packaging will be used for display if it is a retail item all come into play when the designer starts.

Promoting your "Sustainability Selection before Package Design" strategy with your customers can show your commitment to important environmental issues that often influences the buying design. It is just one more way to give your product an edge and to show your sustainability focus!

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