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How Package Sourcing is Changing . . .

One thing most of us can agree with is that there is something new every day, especially related to technology. Over the last five years we have seen a trend in sourcing changes. The amount of data available on the internet has changed the way procurement happens. Before the internet we relied on representatives from manufacturers, converters and distributors to bring us literature and to consult with us on problems. Several recent surveys indicate that buyers are turning to on-line research as their first step in sourcing. Most buyers are making their product selection without talking with a company representative. Manufacturers have spend millions on adding content rich data to their websites.

So what does all this change mean for the individual charged with procuring product packaging? Designers, buyers and executives must be well versed on internet research and the various buying channels. Anyone who has sat down to research where to buy packaging can attest to the thousands of website choices claiming to be able to serve all your needs. In practice this is very rarely the case. The reason - some manufacturers only sell directly to the customer. If you need their product you have to buy it from them. They may not offer other products. If you go through a distributor you will pay 20% to 40% more to have the items warehoused in a local warehouse. That may make sense for some items, but rarely for all your needs. is a Global Packaging Forum bringing you free information on the complicated packaging industry and Paid access to global sourcing databases should you need it. Visit us today to learn more . . .

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